How To Choose Your Next Mannequin
There is an extensive range of mannequins available, encompassing different colours, styles, and age ranges. While having a wide selection of mannequins to choose from is great, it can be challenging to figure out where to start. And don’t assume that any old mannequin will do; it’s important to choose ones which will align with your brand and store’s image.
What type of mannequin is best?
There is no single answer as to which mannequin is the best. It depends on your specific requirements and the overall look and feel of your shop. To choose the right mannequin for you, it’s important to consider the types of customers that visit your store and select mannequins that best represent them. Remember that the main purpose of a mannequin is to showcase clothing and outfits, so you want customers to look at them and feel inspired to try on the clothes themselves.
Aside from looking at your customers, you should also consider the space you have available. If your mannequin will be placed in a window display, determine how much vertical space is available. Or if you have limited shop space but have display tables set up, consider adding a seated mannequin.
What is the difference between a mannequin dummy and a dress form?
Mannequins and dress forms are both used in the fashion industry but for different purposes. A dress form, also known as a Tailor’s Dummy, is usually just a torso, while mannequins can come in various forms, including full body forms with limbs or a hanging body form.
Additionally, mannequins are often made of hard materials, while dress forms are made from softer materials like a combination of foam and cloth. Dress forms were created for use by tailors (hence why they’re often referred to as tailor dummies), who would insert pins through the fabric and into the form to hold everything in place as they were building a garment. Mannequins, on the other hand, are designed solely for displaying clothing.
Should I get a standing or seated mannequin?
A standing mannequin is a reliable choice for many. They are great for showcasing complete outfits, making them perfect for clothing stores which offer a larger range and variety of garments. Seated Mannequins, on the other hand, can add some variation when paired with standing mannequins. If you have a large range of garments to display, using a combination of seated and standing mannequins can create a larger and more interesting display to attract customers’ attention.
Most mannequins are partially adjustable, allowing you to tweak the head and arm positioning, but the legs are usually fixed in one position. However, some mannequins are designed with different leg poses, if you’re looking for something beyond the basics.
Should I get a full-body or torso mannequin? What about a mannequin which has a head or is headless?
Consider the space in which you plan to place your mannequin. If the area is smaller, such as in a window with an elevated section, a torso or Half-Form Mannequin will work well, or even a headless mannequin could be squeezed in. If you have set up display tables, a seated mannequin can look great placed on or next to the arrangement. A standing mannequin can easily fit and work in most spaces, such as at the end of a clothing display or near the entrance.
If you plan to add any accessories, it makes sense to choose a mannequin with a head. This is also useful if you plan to add wigs as a finishing touch. If this isn’t required, a headless mannequin will suffice.
What size mannequin is ideal for children?
When looking for a Child Mannequin, you should review the different age types available and select the one/s which best suits your needs and showcase your stock best. There are various age ranges that you can choose from, such as baby mannequins, age 2, ages 5-6, and ages 13-14.
What colour mannequin should I get?
Mannequins are available in more colours than ever, which gives you the ability to choose ones which truly reflect your brand’s style. You don’t have to be limited to one style and colour either. You could choose a couple of colours to define your product range, such as white or rose gold for women’s clothing and black or chrome for men’s clothing (or vice versa). This will not only look fantastic within your store but also highlight your various garment ranges around your shop and in a window display.
An easy way to start to choose your mannequin colour is by looking at your store and brand’s aesthetic and matching it. If your store has a darker palette, such as in a sportswear store, black or grey mannequins will likely align with that look. On the other hand, if you have a light and airy boutique, white mannequins will keep the design crisp and clean.
If you’re unsure, you can’t go wrong with the classic colours of a White Mannequin or Black Mannequin. Or a Grey Mannequin is also a good variant, sitting at more of a neutral place in the spectrum.
For a more realistic look, a Skin Tone Mannequin is the natural choice. Or for a contemporary feel, opt for a ‘Salt n Pepper’ Mannequin, which has a flecked finish.
If you want to be bold, then metallic mannequins are the way to go, available in sleek colours such as Silver, Chrome, Pewter, Copper, or Rose Gold. A metal-hued mannequin is the perfect way of adding a futuristic and glamourous feel to your store.
View our full Mannequins range.
With so many mannequins to choose from, we hope that we’ve provided you with some useful guidance and inspiration for choosing your next one.
If you have any questions about our mannequins or any of our products, please get in touch. We are always happy to assist you in any way we can.